Zihuatanejo, Mexico sky.

Zihuatanejo, Mexico sky.

Congratulations! You took your first step! My vision is that we live in a purpose-driven world, and I hope to partner with organizations and individuals to develop their full potential filled with meaning and joy! I strive to achieve this with you incorporating a holistic, developmental approach to work and life.

Partner with leaders to better know and maximize themselves and their teams

Support individuals transition or advance in their careers and lives

Enhance workplace cultures with engaged and supported employees


Are these services a fit for you or your organization?
I’m here to help. Reach out for a free consultation today!

If you are curious to get a taste of what it would be like to work with me, check out this video clip from a video series that I participated in sponsored by the Oregon Chapter of the International Coaching Federation.

Check out my Benefit Report 2024 to learn how I’ve maintained being a certified benefit company.